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1   /* ============================================================
2    * JRobin : Pure java implementation of RRDTool's functionality
3    * ============================================================
4    *
5    * Project Info:
6    * Project Lead:  Sasa Markovic (
7    *
8    * Developers:    Sasa Markovic (
9    *
10   *
11   * (C) Copyright 2003-2005, by Sasa Markovic.
12   *
13   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
14   * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
15   * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16   *
17   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
18   * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
19   * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
20   *
21   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
22   * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
23   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24   */
25  package;
27  import org.jrobin.core.RrdException;
28  import org.jrobin.core.Util;
30  import java.util.Calendar;
31  import java.util.Date;
33  /**
34   * Class used to interpolate datasource values from the collection of (timestamp, values)
35   * points using natural cubic spline interpolation.<p>
36   * <p/>
37   * <b>WARNING</b>: So far, this class cannot handle NaN datasource values
38   * (an exception will be thrown by the constructor). Future releases might change this.
39   */
40  public class CubicSplineInterpolator extends Plottable {
41  	private double[] x;
42  	private double[] y;
44  	// second derivates come here
45  	private double[] y2;
47  	// internal spline variables
48  	private int n, klo, khi;
50  	/**
51  	 * Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of timestamps and corresponding
52  	 * datasource values.
53  	 *
54  	 * @param timestamps timestamps in seconds
55  	 * @param values	 corresponding datasource values
56  	 * @throws RrdException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if
57  	 *                      timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
58  	 */
59  	public CubicSplineInterpolator(long[] timestamps, double[] values) throws RrdException {
60  		this.x = new double[timestamps.length];
61  		for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.length; i++) {
62  			this.x[i] = timestamps[i];
63  		}
64  		this.y = values;
65  		validate();
66  		spline();
67  	}
69  	/**
70  	 * Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of Date objects and corresponding
71  	 * datasource values.
72  	 *
73  	 * @param dates  Array of Date objects
74  	 * @param values corresponding datasource values
75  	 * @throws RrdException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if
76  	 *                      timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
77  	 */
78  	public CubicSplineInterpolator(Date[] dates, double[] values) throws RrdException {
79  		this.x = new double[dates.length];
80  		for (int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
81  			this.x[i] = Util.getTimestamp(dates[i]);
82  		}
83  		this.y = values;
84  		validate();
85  		spline();
86  	}
88  	/**
89  	 * Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of GregorianCalendar objects and corresponding
90  	 * datasource values.
91  	 *
92  	 * @param dates  Array of GregorianCalendar objects
93  	 * @param values corresponding datasource values
94  	 * @throws RrdException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if
95  	 *                      timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
96  	 */
97  	public CubicSplineInterpolator(Calendar[] dates, double[] values) throws RrdException {
98  		this.x = new double[dates.length];
99  		for (int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
100 			this.x[i] = Util.getTimestamp(dates[i]);
101 		}
102 		this.y = values;
103 		validate();
104 		spline();
105 	}
107 	/**
108 	 * Creates cubic spline interpolator for an array of 2D-points.
109 	 *
110 	 * @param x x-axis point coordinates
111 	 * @param y y-axis point coordinates
112 	 * @throws RrdException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if
113 	 *                      timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
114 	 */
115 	public CubicSplineInterpolator(double[] x, double[] y) throws RrdException {
116 		this.x = x;
117 		this.y = y;
118 		validate();
119 		spline();
120 	}
122 	private void validate() throws RrdException {
123 		boolean ok = true;
124 		if (x.length != y.length || x.length < 3) {
125 			ok = false;
126 		}
127 		for (int i = 0; i < x.length - 1 && ok; i++) {
128 			if (x[i] >= x[i + 1] || Double.isNaN(y[i])) {
129 				ok = false;
130 			}
131 		}
132 		if (!ok) {
133 			throw new RrdException("Invalid plottable data supplied");
134 		}
135 	}
137 	private void spline() {
138 		n = x.length;
139 		y2 = new double[n];
140 		double[] u = new double[n - 1];
141 		y2[0] = y2[n - 1] = 0.0;
142 		u[0] = 0.0; // natural spline
143 		for (int i = 1; i <= n - 2; i++) {
144 			double sig = (x[i] - x[i - 1]) / (x[i + 1] - x[i - 1]);
145 			double p = sig * y2[i - 1] + 2.0;
146 			y2[i] = (sig - 1.0) / p;
147 			u[i] = (y[i + 1] - y[i]) / (x[i + 1] - x[i]) - (y[i] - y[i - 1]) / (x[i] - x[i - 1]);
148 			u[i] = (6.0 * u[i] / (x[i + 1] - x[i - 1]) - sig * u[i - 1]) / p;
149 		}
150 		for (int k = n - 2; k >= 0; k--) {
151 			y2[k] = y2[k] * y2[k + 1] + u[k];
152 		}
153 		// prepare everything for getValue()
154 		klo = 0;
155 		khi = n - 1;
156 	}
158 	/**
159 	 * Calculates spline-interpolated y-value for the corresponding x-value. Call
160 	 * this if you need spline-interpolated values in your code.
161 	 *
162 	 * @param xval x-value
163 	 * @return inteprolated y-value
164 	 */
165 	public double getValue(double xval) {
166 		if (xval < x[0] || xval > x[n - 1]) {
167 			return Double.NaN;
168 		}
169 		if (xval < x[klo] || xval > x[khi]) {
170 			// out of bounds
171 			klo = 0;
172 			khi = n - 1;
173 		}
174 		while (khi - klo > 1) {
175 			// find bounding interval using bisection method
176 			int k = (khi + klo) / 2;
177 			if (x[k] > xval) {
178 				khi = k;
179 			}
180 			else {
181 				klo = k;
182 			}
183 		}
184 		double h = x[khi] - x[klo];
185 		double a = (x[khi] - xval) / h;
186 		double b = (xval - x[klo]) / h;
187 		return a * y[klo] + b * y[khi] +
188 				((a * a * a - a) * y2[klo] + (b * b * b - b) * y2[khi]) * (h * h) / 6.0;
189 	}
191 	/**
192 	 * Method overriden from the base class. This method will be called by the framework. Call
193 	 * this method only if you need spline-interpolated values in your code.
194 	 *
195 	 * @param timestamp timestamp in seconds
196 	 * @return inteprolated datasource value
197 	 */
198 	public double getValue(long timestamp) {
199 		return getValue((double) timestamp);
200 	}
202 }